The LNBE Podcast

Episode 40 - Nothing but High Stakes on the Field and in Your Coffee

Mike Rispoli Episode 40

Join me as I unravel the dramatic exit of Jets head coach Robert Sala just weeks into the season. Whether you're a football fanatic or just in for the spectacle, there's something here to tickle your imagination and keep you guessing about the Jets' next move.

Switching gears, let's step up to the plate with the New York Yankees as we dissect Giancarlo Stanton's surprising playoff performance and highlight Anthony Volpe's emerging talent. We get real about the Yankees' need for pitching reinforcements, plus, we'll brew up some laughs over the outrageous coffee concoctions taking TikTok by storm — trust me, you'll raise an eyebrow at these sugar-loaded spectacles. As we wind down, I'll extend a heartfelt thank you for your feedback, and offer some chilling Halloween movie recommendations to keep your October spooky and thrilling.

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Mike Rispoli:

all right, what's going on? People welcome back. Thank you for tuning into this friday episode of the lmb podcast, where lmbe stands for literally nothing but everything. I'm mike rispoli, and guys, thank you so much for following, listening, sharing, doing whatever you got to do to help me grow this, because without you guys, this would all be for nothing. So I really do appreciate that. And also, if you guys want to find me on my socials, you can do so on Instagram and TikTok, at the LNBEPod, and also feel free to send me a write-in with an email. You can send that to lnbemedia at gmailcom.

Mike Rispoli:

So let's go ahead and dive right into this bitch. And what the hell are we going to talk about? What I'm thinking is that we can talk about is because I recently just saw it we can talk about some of the Jets drama that's going on with Robert Sala getting fired. I've been watching my Yankees. They've been doing pretty well. We can talk a little bit about that. And then we can also just like kind of talk about some random stuff that I saw just on the internet, some some fun little things, and, to wrap it up, we'll talk about some of the little write-ins that you guys have been sending me, and I also have some suggestions that I can give you guys when it comes to some halloween movies, because now, as of, what I'm doing is I'm actually trying to do like one horror film a day just to like see if I could deal with it. And it's kind of funny because after watching a few of them now I kind of get it. Before I was just talking my shit because I was just like, ah, screw, that, I never really got into it. But I think it really does depend on the kind of film that you're watching, so we can also kind of get into that a little bit, all right. So, with that said, let's kind of start that you're watching, so we can also kind of get into that a little bit, all right.

Mike Rispoli:

So, with that said, let's kind of start things off here. And, honestly, the very first thing I want to do is I want to say I hope that everybody who is dealing with all of these hurricanes and all of these crazy ass storms down in the Southern United States is doing okay in all aspects, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, and I truly sincerely hope that you guys have access to all the resources that you need or you can get all of the resources that you need. My heart and prayers go out to every single one of you who is being affected by this. I can only imagine just how scary and horrible things might be, so I truly hope that you guys are all doing okay. But okay, time to be selfish.

Mike Rispoli:

Let's talk about me for a quick second. I don't know if you guys can hear it in my voice. I feel like I'm fighting some sort of an allergy or something. Frigging October, I've been sneezing like an asshole. Oh my god, that actually reminds me.

Mike Rispoli:

I remember I worked for a guy one time and his allergies were so bad. I actually started that job in like August and I remember when I worked for him it was around the same time as now in October. He would sneeze to the point where it was almost like he was possessed, like he couldn't even get out two words without sneezing in between. It was just a constant sneeze fest. Could you imagine if that poor son of a bitch lived back in the 1600s? I honestly don't think he would come out alive, because I can only imagine if you had massive sneezing fits like that then I think that they would have probably burned you at the stake, right, yeah, because I think the whole term and I could be wrong on this. Somebody's gonna have to look this up or correct me or whatever. But at least from what I've always been told, I always thought the reason why we say God bless you after we sneeze is because way back in the day, I think they thought that you were expelling the demon within you. Imagine somebody with a ton of allergies and they're just sneezing so much that people are just like holy shit, this dude is actually possessed, so they just burn him. So I don't know.

Mike Rispoli:

All right, speaking of getting burned, we got to talk about this jet stuff, because the jets just seemingly like to implode more on themselves than that titanic submersible. Because I've been trying to look into this as much as I can, just because it's like what the hell happened? Because the Jets fired Sala, their head coach, and it doesn't make sense why you would do that five weeks into the season. Because I gotta be honest, I don't think that Robert Sala even though some people might disagree, I thought he wasn't that bad of a coach. I saw on Pat McAfee's show that he put up a tweet from Jay Glazer saying Sala was blindsided by it. But, even more importantly, from what I also saw, craig Carton over on FS1 said that he knows exactly what happened.

Mike Rispoli:

Alright, so according to Carton, it was after that Vikings game that the Jets lost and allegedly it's due to the fact that Sala wasn't going to fire Nathaniel Hackett, who's their offensive coordinator, because he's too close with Aaron Rodgers. Now, if nobody knows what's going on with that, from what I know, nathaniel Hackett was the offensive coordinator in Green Bay while Aaron Rodgers was playing there, so they're pretty tight. Nathaniel Hackett also I don't know if it was last year or two years ago, I can't remember the timeline, but at one point in time I think he was the head coach of the Broncos and during his tenure he was absolutely terrible. Nathaniel Hackett I mean with a name like Hack in your name you're really going to trust this guy with your fucking football team, because the dude is just awful, and this guy with your fucking football team, because the dude is just awful and even now he's probably regarded as like the worst offensive coordinator in football. So all right, that's besides the point. Um, so Hackett is really close with Rodgers, so Salah doesn't. He can't really fire him.

Mike Rispoli:

But what they were gonna do was they were to limit his play calling for when they face the Bills this coming Monday, they let the general manager, joe Douglas, know. Then a call was made to the owner, woody Johnson, and to anybody who thinks that their name truly sucks. I think this guy actually takes the cake, because what a name. That honestly sounds like one of those fake names that Bart Simpson would call into Moe's. It's honestly on par with something like Harry Butts. Um, woody and Aaron talk. Rodgers doesn't like that. Hackett has his play calling taken away. So then they ultimately fire Sala and it doesn't make any sense because Sala is the most competent coach on that team. This has to all be on Rodgers.

Mike Rispoli:

Don't tell me that Salah's a bad coach. He's had a top 10 defense on the Jets for the past three years that he's been coaching there. He went 4-13 in 21, 7-10 last year. I understand the 4-13. That looks a little bad, but you got to give him some leniency. He's a new coach, new system. They're going to try and start out with their new rookie quarterback guy. Ends up going number two overall, ends up being probably one of the biggest busts ever. But at the time you're kind of thinking oh, you know Zach Wilson's just trying to learn the system. Same thing kind of happened with Peyton Manning. I think he threw the most amount of interceptions his rookie year. I think that that record still stands today.

Mike Rispoli:

But to me it actually kind of seems that Aaron Rodgers is the one who's at the helm of all this drama, because you would think with a name like Woody Johnson you'd have enough dick in your life. But apparently he also wants to suck Rodgers's. So to keep him happy, he fires Sala, keeps Hackett. And because Robert Sala and Rodgers didn't have the quote-unquote greatest relationship I mean we all saw that awkward ass hug that they had in during the Pats game. But you know what? All right, here's what I'm gonna say. It's what everybody else has also been saying it wasn't Robert Sala's fault that the team lost against the Vikings. Last time I checked, robert Sala wasn't the one who threw three picks. Fuck football. Dude Rodgers should give a masterclass in what it means to be a choke artist, because the dude consistently also would choke in the playoffs when he was playing with the Packers.

Mike Rispoli:

Now, this is not to say that what he did do on the Packers was not sensational, because what that dude was able to accomplish during his playing time there was absolutely astounding. He's honestly one of the most talented QBs to ever play the game of football. But, dude, the fact that you're such a prima donna and you're going to the Jets to try and rebuild the Super Bowl team and now you've got all this drama it's going to ruin your legacy, dude. Think about all the great quarterbacks that switched teams later in their career. Joe Montana went to the Chiefs, got them to an AFC championship game. Peyton Manning went to the Broncos, got them to two Super Bowls, won one of them, got blown out in the other one, but still he retired on top because he won the second one.

Mike Rispoli:

Brady, all those years on the pads, goes to the Bucs first year there, wins them a Super Bowl. Hell. You can also look at Brett Favre. Yeah, sure he had bad teams with the Jets and whoever else he played for after he left Green Bay, but at least he brought the Vikings to the playoffs. He lost to the Bounty Gate Saints ends up throwing an interception that lost him the game. But I'm pretty sure that was an nfc championship game, was it not?

Mike Rispoli:

If you're gonna be a prima donna about leaving the team, then you have to show the success afterwards. But then if you're the one who's making all of these decisions, because everybody just wants to like adhere to you, because you're the great aaron rogers, and you're the one who's ultimately imploding this team based on the coaching staff and all the players that you wanted to bring over, think about that. You are the fucking problem. It's not the coaching. I think everybody thought this, myself included that if Robert Sala's team had a competent quarterback, they were destined to be playoff bound. Garrett Wilson, brees Hall you've got great players on that team with a competent quarterback who knows what could happen, and Rodgers, in my opinion, is actually the one causing all of these problems and also he's not playing as well as we all thought he would. So Sala became the scapegoat at the end of the day for a really bad offensive coordinator and a quarterback who just appears to actually be washed. So sorry, desala.

Mike Rispoli:

But in other football news, something else that I saw that actually made me very happy is, I guess, the Browns finally getting their shit together. There's talks, according to Nick Wright, that the Browns might try and trade Deshaun Watson for a first-round pick. Now I think whoever takes that trade is an idiot, because I would ask for two first-round picks, and the reason why is because I would be. If you're looking for a quarterback, you would use one pick for your first-round pick, but then you'd also use the other first-round pick for a quarterback. Because I'm cutting Deshaun as soon as I get him because it's not my responsibility. The Browns still got to pay out that contract. They're the ones who decided to pay 230 million dollars to a rapist, not their fault. So you cut Deshaun and then finally you get Deshaun out of the league.

Mike Rispoli:

That's the smartest play here, because there's no reason as to why a guy like Deshaun Watson, as I've said before, should even be stepping on a blade of grass in any sort of stadium. Because, fuck that guy. If the NFL were smart, they would have taken the MLB route and they would have done what they did with Pete Rose. Because Pete Rose, when he got caught with gambling and all that stuff actually thank you to the writer who wrote into me telling me that Pete Rose did in fact bet on baseball. But I looked into it a little bit more. He actually did not bet on the Reds, so that was a non-issue. It wasn't like he was trying to shave points or anything like that. So, yes, he did bet on baseball, but I don't believe he bet on the Reds. But Pete Rose, once he got found out about the gambling thing, he wasn't able to step foot into any sort of a stadium For God knows how long.

Mike Rispoli:

And I wish that the NFL had done that same thing with the Sean, because then it sets the precedent, because now you're actually allowing players to think, oh, maybe I'll get suspended, but I can still get away with it, because now look, look at what happened over in Houston, or not Houston? Yeah, no, houston With Stefan Diggs Allegedly I don't know if this is 100% accurate or not, I did see a report on it, though Stefan Diggs, sexual assault allegations with some, some marketing guy I can't remember the guy's name, but it's like what the hell is wrong with you people? And I think that the more that the NFL allows it and they don't actually discipline these players, then the more it's gonna happen, because they think they can get away with it. If the justice system won't get rid of them because Deshaun Watson should be in jail, then at least don't give him a job. But yeah, man, I think the best thing in the world for the Browns would be to trade this guy, because it's proven that he sucks more ass than Diddy, because the dude just cannot play football anymore. So trade him. Eat the contract. You made your bed, you got to lie in it. And then that other team, whoever it is, I hope to God they do the right thing and they just say fuck, you get out, but all right.

Mike Rispoli:

Additionally, as I mentioned, we got to talk some Yankee stuff. I did catch some of the playoff games against the Royals. The one that I mainly remember, though, was actually Wednesday night's game. I only caught like the later innings, but it seems like stanton has been having a fantastic series. I think on wednesday he went four for five. He's been seeing the ball.

Mike Rispoli:

Well, I've given this guy shit, but in the past, but this bum has actually showed up. But what's really upsetting is the fact that judge just seems to have hit a slump, and I have no idea what's going on with him. Um, but I will say I will say I like that kid volpe, that new shortstop. I don't know man, there's just, he's just got like I don't know. There's something about him that I just like. He's not fantastic, but he makes plays when you need him to make plays.

Mike Rispoli:

Because on Wednesday night there was a ball that was hit at the end of a bat. One of the announcers even thought it was a line drive base hit, which it wasn't. But Volpe just went out and got it, made a nice catch at second. I was like why the hell is he over at second? I didn't think the shift was legal in baseball anymore. So really great play. Because honestly, I think at that point there was a guy on second. So if Volpe doesn't make that play, there's another run scored. I think the Yankees probably possibly could have lost that game so they ended up going 2-1 in the series.

Mike Rispoli:

Oh, but I know why. I think I like Volpe because he kind of gives off Brett Gardner vibes like Gardner wasn't the flashiest player, but the dude was always kind of clutch and I think that's kind of the vibe that Volpe gives. Like I haven't really seen anything totally stellar out of him, although when I did go to one game he's if it wasn't for him. I went to a game like two years ago where they were playing Houston. They were down six, nothing, and Volpe started a rally because he got on first, stole second, stole third, and then there was a base hit or a walk or something. They ended up winning the game just because of that. So there's just a vibe that Volpe can just bring to a game to kind of brighten things up, even when you think it's like in its darkest hour, and I think that's why I like the guy so much.

Mike Rispoli:

But yeah, man, I don't know, I'm shocked to see Stanton doing well. I'm really upset to see Judge not really performing on Wednesday night. I think he had two walks or he went 0 for 4, but then I saw that he got a walk. So he either had one or two walks. He's got to figure something out, because the Yankees will not win with their pitching. They just won't. They always need relievers.

Mike Rispoli:

So the Yankees' philosophy is we I mean it's going to sound so stupid because it's just what baseball is but their philosophy literally is we just got to score more runs than the other team because, like, if we're going to allow so many runs, we got to make sure that we can at least keep pace, and I think that's why they always get a new bat in the offseason. It baffles my mind. They have all these guys who are great hitters, but in the offseason they go and get another guy who they think is a better hitter than the guy that they're getting rid of, or the guy who's leaving Instead of going out and getting an ace reliever or another ace starter, because the only ace that the Yankees truly have is Garrett Cole. And if you're on a what I don't remember I don't know what it is now, if it's like a four pitcher rotation or a three pitcher rotation, I have no idea but if you're on a four pitcher rotation, you're only getting one ace out of that rotation. So the Yankees really need to friggin figure out what their pitching situation is.

Mike Rispoli:

If they lose in the postseason this year like I'm predicting that they will, just because that's the yankee way as of the past 10 years, if they go and get another friggin bat, I'm gonna write them a letter, like fans. If you're a yankee fan, you got to do what's right. You got to tell them, because they're obviously too stupid to see it. But some schmo like me and I talk to people all the time who are yankee fans and they're all in agreement to see it. But some schmo like me and I talk to people all the time who are Yankee fans and they're all in agreement with me it's like why did we go pick out Juan Soto when we need relief, pitching Like we need a bullpen here? But all right, since we're on the topic of stupid things, let me tell you the one thing that I saw that I think is just absolutely crazy. Because for some reason now, absolutely crazy.

Mike Rispoli:

Because for some reason now, my TikTok is just full of crazy drink orders that people order at Dunkin'. There's this guy on TikTok. He goes by Dunkin Bandits and he's always posting like the most crazy things that people order. And the one that I saw 8 Caramel, swirl or swirl or whatever oh, I guess it's all swirl. So it was like eight caramel, 10 mocha, 22 sugar and 14 cream. How the fuck you're gonna fit coffee in. Something like that is wild to me. And then in the comments people are like oh, you know what, they probably use that as their creamer and then they use that during the week. But if that were the case? Because at the end of the video the guy pours coffee into it. So if that's the case, why would you want coffee already poured into your creamer? So I think people are just drinking these diabetes cups and they're just out there living their best lives and I can only imagine like the poor toilet that has to take the beating that comes out of that person. But my bigger question is how do you know what that ratio is Like? How much trial and error do you have to go through? Where it's like eight caramel, ten mocha or whatever it is Like, how do you know that six pumps of mocha and eight pumps of caramel won't do the trick? But then the 22 sugars Like?

Mike Rispoli:

If you don't like the taste of coffee, you don't like the taste of coffee, go out and get an energy drink or something. Don't waste the beautiful beans that are the elixir of life known as coffee with shit like that. And I mean honestly, like I have no soul. I drink my coffee black, but this is also just because I'm stupidly healthy and I'm just like I don't want the added sugar from, like the sugars and the creamers and all that stuff, so I just drink my coffee black. If I want flavored coffee, I never get it out of place because of the fact that it's all syrups and sugars or whatever. If ever I want flavored coffee, I go buy the beans in the stores and I make it myself at home. So that way I still get the flavor but none of the calories.

Mike Rispoli:

But I don't know, man, I it's. It's crazy because these are very typical. The guy's got hundreds of these videos and we all wonder why there's this obesity epidemic in the united states. But then you look at people's coffees order like this and you're just like, oh all right, that tracks, because I can only imagine the amount of sugar that's in those syrups as well. So I don't know. Hey, not my problem, I just think it's crazy.

Mike Rispoli:

I don't know what you guys thought process on this are, but kind of makes me think, like what's the? If anybody's been at a Starbucks or a Dunkin' or any sort of coffee shop, what are some of the craziest drink orders that you guys have gotten? Because I can't even imagine drinking 22 sugars. The crash that you would probably have later on in the afternoon is wild, because you're just hyped up on the sugar. You're not actually even getting the caffeine hit. So what in the world is the point of asking for that in a coffee? It just doesn't make sense. Damn, I'm just realizing that I'm running a little bit long, but you know what? That's fine, because I'm not too sure what uh, tuesday's episode is gonna bring, because I'm gonna be away this weekend so I might be able to put something out. I might not, so in case I don't, then we can just have this one go a little bit longer, because I also still got to get into some of your write-ins here.

Mike Rispoli:

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I couldn't watch possession films because it's just too real for me. I had a person write in to me and say that the reason as to why and this is something I never would have thought of the reason as to why possession films seem a little bit too real is because people with mental health issues in a state of crisis could at times resemble the people being possessed in horror movies, ie multiple personalities blaming an action on a voice in their head, getting extremely violent, but no recollection of it after the fact. So I guess this person's point is that possession makes you act crazy, and crazy is something that people can just naturally do in their everyday lives, as you can see with all some of the horrible things that people are capable of doing. I don't know. But also it's kind of making me think like back in the day if somebody was totally mentally unstable, like somebody who you would picture in a straitjacket in an insane asylum. They would technically act as somebody who was possessed in a movie would. Right, but to the person who wrote in, please write in again, because I feel like I might be misinterpreting some of this, but maybe this is just because I'm a Catholic, but to me, the idea of possession being too real, it's not so much as representing a mental health disorder as much as I think it just comes down to the fact of like what the devil is capable of having you do, and that's what truly scares me. Another thing that scare me are, honestly, all these freaking horror films that I have been watching, and, I apologize, I have not gotten to some of the ones that I've mentioned on the pod, but that's just because I've been lazy and I didn't really check all the streaming platforms, but I did reach out to the person who gave me all of the suggestions, and she told me which platforms each one is on. So there we go.

Mike Rispoli:

What I did do, though, was I watched A Quiet Place. I'd never seen it before. I knew that John Krasinski was in it, so I was curious about it. Holy crap, what a movie that is. First of all, it's incredibly interesting Just about this idea of it being a silent film, but it's not a silent film. It really actually kind of reminded me of bird box. If anybody watched that movie back when it came out, that was like a huge hit.

Mike Rispoli:

I personally prefer a quiet place over bird box any day of the week. I think the acting is a little bit better. I think the storyline mesh is a little bit more cohesively. Um, literally, one is about being deaf and one is about being blind. But if you haven't checked out A Quiet Place yet, I would 100% recommend that movie. I thought it was fantastic. I actually thought it was so good.

Mike Rispoli:

I doubled down and I found the second one and I watched that as well. I actually liked the first one more, though. But my God, a Quiet Place. I was on edge the whole time and it wasn't because I was scared, it was just a matter of just like holy shit, what is gonna? It was more of like a thriller than it was a horror, which is kind of what I liked about it. Actually, you know what the best way to describe it is. Kind of like I am legend meets bird box. So if you liked both of those movies, then you would 1000% like like A Quiet Place.

Mike Rispoli:

But yeah, guys, keep the suggestions coming. I'm going to keep going through your list. I know we went a little over, but I think that does it for me. If you guys like this episode, please share it with a friend. Please continue to rate the show, comment on the show on whatever podcast platform you're listening to this on. Please check out my Instagram and TikTok @t helnbepod and if you guys want to write in, you can send an email to lnbemedia@ gmail. com. And again, I hope everybody down south is doing okay. Seriously, hearts and prayers go out to all of you. Thank you.

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