The LNBE Podcast

Episode 39 - Nothing but Talks of Touchdowns and Transformations

Mike Rispoli Episode 39

Join us in the latest episode of The LNBE Podcast as we tackle the ups and downs of the sports world, kicking off with our gripes about the Cowboys versus Steelers snooze-fest. We celebrate Gonzalez's stellar performance for the Patriots and assess the Bengals' chances of going on a winning streak. Plus, we're not holding back on our mixed emotions about the Bills or questioning the Eagles' contender status. Spoiler alert: the Bengals' upcoming games against the Browns, Giants, and Eagles have us buzzing with anticipation.

Switching from touchdowns to transformations, we confront Hollywood's beauty standards. Shania Twain's recent makeover sparks a heated conversation on societal expectations and the double standards of men and women. Highlighting figures like Lizzo and Sydney Sweeney, we debate the politicization of beauty and the shift from traditional standards. On a lighter note, we open up the discussion to the listeners. Don't forget to share your thoughts and ideas with us on Instagram and TikTok at @thelnbepod; we can't wait to hear from you!

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Mike Rispoli:

what's up everybody? Welcome back to the lmb podcast, where lmbe stands for literally nothing but everything. I'm mike rispoli and all I really want to do right now is just thank everybody who continues to like, share, subscribe and rate, write in, whoever's doing whatever you're doing. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. The more that you guys give me, the more I can give you. So I really do appreciate all the support and all the love that you guys are giving this podcast. If you guys like it, please continue to share it, please continue to rate it, please continue to like it. Without you guys, the show would be nothing. So thank you so much to everybody who continues to do that.

Mike Rispoli:

But what are we going to get into this week? Well, obviously we're going to talk some sports. We'll talk about some things that I saw on Celebrityland and then I'll talk about some stuff that I can kind of open it up to you guys at the end here. But actually, speaking of last week, you guys suggested some movies that I've got to be honest, I have not watched yet. But I movies that, I gotta be honest, I have not watched yet, but I promise it is on my list of things to do. I just got caught up with other shit over the weekend, so I will have an update for you guys for that on Friday. So that's something to look forward to. I'll give like a synopsis or an analysis, whatever you guys want to call it, um, and we'll go from there on Friday. So actually, in the meantime, if you guys have any other suggestions other than the ones that were mentioned last week, feel free to send an email to lnbemedia at gmailcom. I'm also on Insta and TikTok. You can find me at the LNBEPod, so feel free to do so if you guys have other write-ins for me on that.

Mike Rispoli:

But right now I'm actually recording this on Sunday night because it's not like I got to get up and go to work in the morning. So I figured you know what, I'll just sit here and record the podcast while I watch the Cowboys and Steelers game. But as of right now, this game is boring as shit. It was 6-3 at the half. As of now, it might go down to the wire. Then Pittsburgh scored, so now it's 10-6, and Pittsburgh is now punting. We got 4th and 4, 7-30 left in the third quarter. So since when did sunday night football game start so late? I always thought they started at 8 30. Why are they starting at like 9 30? This freaking game isn't gonna end until one o'clock. For anybody who has work, unlike me, they're not staying up and watching this stupid game. Everybody's just gonna be checking asb in for the highlights tomorrow. The hell, what time's the monday night game gonna start?

Mike Rispoli:

Now let's talk about the pats. Um, the only highlight with the pats is that defense. The real bright spot of the team is gonzalez. It doesn't seem to matter how big or how fast the receiver is. Gonzalez is able to just shut anybody down. I mean he had no issues against dk mecca. He didn't seem to have any issues against Tyreek Hill today. The dude is absolutely stellar. If the Patriots do not pay him once his contract is up, I am going to be livid because this kid is the only bright spot on this friggin' team.

Mike Rispoli:

The friggin' fact that we lost to a team playing their third string quarterback is diabolical. It's not like they got smoked, but 15-10 against Tyler Huntley. The dude's been in the league for what? Five years. He's only had 11 starts. Those first two games the Patriots kind of had me in the first half. Jeez, almighty. Everybody who goes to a Pats game needs to at least have a brown paper bag over their heads, because the pathetic Patriots suck. It's almost like Miami's defense found Diddy Stash of baby oil because they were able to just slip through the Pats' offensive line like it was nothing. And that's why Drake May is not going to get the start, because you may as well have the veteran get beat up before you let a kid whose career literally won't be able to get off the ground.

Mike Rispoli:

But then the more exciting game that I caught was also that Baltimore and Bengals game. Thank god I had the split screen going while I was watching the Patriots game, because that pass game was just absolutely brutal and the amount of penalties that were called it was like every other play. There was a flag thrown like guys, what the hell you doing? But the Bengals actually look exciting now, which makes me happy because Joe Burrow's the only quarterback that's proven besides Brady to beat Mahomes. I keep hoping that Josh Allen can do it.

Mike Rispoli:

But as much as I want to get excited about the Bills as well, because I just love Josh Allen it's hard because Josh Allen really does not have a set solidified receiving core yet, plus who the fuck are the Bills? I think I'm ready to get my heart broken by them again this year. But it's like how the hell do you kick the shit out of Miami one week and then you get your asses whooped by the Ravens the following week. The Bills just don't make sense. So yeah, I mean, given that the Bengals always have a slow start, I think now is about the time where they're starting to figure themselves out and I think they're going to start going on a little bit of a hot streak.

Mike Rispoli:

I don't want to overemphasize that because I could be wrong, but I at least see them probably winning another two games in a row, at least, kind of trying to break even a little bit here, because the next three games they got are the Browns, the Giants and the Eagles. I don't know if it's in that order or not, but all right, let's look at these three teams. Right, the Eagles are definite frauds. I don't give a fuck what anybody says. Nick Sirianni is an overrated coach. Their defense can't stop a nosebleed. All those weapons on offense, you can't move the ball. Something's going on. The only thing with the Giants is the fact that they have a good defensive line. And then the Browns are the Browns as long as Diddy Watson is out there playing, there's always a shot for the Browns to lose.

Mike Rispoli:

So but also given the history of the Bengals this year. I mean they lost to a friggin' terrible Pats team week one. So I don't know if that was also because Burrow's still like harboring that injury from last year with his wrist, but they now somewhat look good. They gave the Ravens a run for their money. So if the Bengals don't go 3-for-3 in the next three weeks, there's serious issues, and then I'll have to jump ship and just root for the Bills, and I don't care if they're in my division. The Patriots are going nowhere this year. The Bills are really the only team that I think, besides possibly the Bengals or the Ravens, have a shot at winning. I mean Houston's also looking pretty good, so that's another team. I'm just rooting for teams that could beat the Chiefs.

Mike Rispoli:

I haven't really been watching the Chargers lately. I was kind of hoping that would. The new coach, justin Herbert, would be able to do something, but they just don't have enough weapons on offense. I don't think Justin Herbert can do it all. I don't know.

Mike Rispoli:

This year of football is just incredibly weird. I've gone one for three in my fantasy league. So far I'm in dead last in two leagues. I'm in first place in one league, so I just genuinely don't know what the hell is going on. I have no idea what any team's identity is this year. It's just an incredibly weird year. Like, who the hell are the Jets? Are the Jets going to get Devontae Adams, because that seems to be what all signs are pointing to. The Jets are going to have to give up however many picks to pick up an old Devontae Adams to make the Aaron Rodgers experiment work with the Jets. And I think, after this this year, if the Jets don't do anything, if they have another losing season or if at least they don't make the playoffs, I think Saul is out of a job next year because, at the end of the day, the Jets are proven to be the Jets and they just suck. They had one good game against the Patriots, but honestly, who doesn't have a good game against the Patriots? Because the Patriots suck.

Mike Rispoli:

But something else for me to look forward to while I'm on unemployment is now I actually get to watch some of these baseball games, because it's baseball playoffs. My Yankees are in the playoffs, so now I actually have time to watch them because baseball's on at weird times. During the regular season they're on at either 1 o'clock games, 7 o'clock games. During the playoffs it's a 4 o'clock game or a 7 o'clock game four o'clock game or seven o'clock game. So who actually has time to like sit down and watch it. But since I got nothing else going on, I figure I may as well and I'm just really hoping that this is the team that can bring New York a championship and I just hope to god that, as of the past six years, that relief pitching isn't what does them in in the postseason.

Mike Rispoli:

But I gotta say, since I'm unemployed, I truly kind of feel like george costanza from seinfeld. You guys ever watch seinfeld? I know it's past my generation, but I feel like that that series just holds up. But there's a scene where kramer's just kind of grilling george and he's asking him questions and he's like you got a job? No, you got any money. No, you got a job no, you got any money no. You got a woman no. You have any prospects? No, you have anything on the horizon? No, you have any action at all? No, no. Do you have any conceivable notion?

Mike Rispoli:

To wake up in the morning, I like to get the daily news, but you know what, now that I'm in this situation, there's a classic George line where he goes up to an attractive woman that he sees at the diner, and he just goes up to her and he's like I'm George, I'm unemployed and I live with my parents. And I really want to try that, like hey, I'm Mike, I'm unemployed and I have no sense of self-worth, and let's just see if it works, because, let's be real here, women love a project. I mean, look at Machine Gun Kelly, that anorexic looking albino has so many issues. From what I know about the engagement with Megan Fox, I think the ring that he bought her, from what I know, would actually cut her finger if she took it off. Like that is an unmatched level of crazy. I just want you to know what it feels like to me on the inside if you were to ever leave me. If any normal person not in Hollywood gave somebody a ring like that, they would have a restraining order against them and they would be in the loony bin.

Mike Rispoli:

Since we're on the topic of Hollywood, though has anybody seen what Shania Twain looks like now? She looks like a fembot from Austin Powers. I don't know why everyone in Hollywood is always just trying to look super young and getting so much shit done with their face. And it's so funny because all these people, people all they talk about is how it's so unfair to set beauty standards. Meanwhile, they're all rich enough to get all that stuff done to make themselves continuously look quote-unquote young and beautiful, setting the new standard and precedent for what it means to look young and beautiful. I mean shania twain. She does not even look remotely similar to how she looked like five years ago. Look up a photo of her. And then it's funny because then you got the other people out there, like Lizzo, who's like I'm the new beauty standard, when the only standard that she's actually setting is how much weight a bed can hold. Because my god, oh, let the fat phobic comments come in. Daniel Tosh actually said it best where he goes, big can be beautiful Just not to me.

Mike Rispoli:

But would I be wrong in saying that this seems to strictly just be a female issue, like why is that? Why is it always the standard of women's beauty that's always been brought up and like female body types? It's not like you see John Daly going out there claiming that he's the new standard for male beauty. No, if anything, fit Athletic Tiger's wife was the one that was coming at him with his nine iron for hitting his wood into the muff way too many times, and I would venture to say that more women find Tiger attractive than John Daly. I would venture to say that more women find Tiger attractive than John Daly, even though it's like.

Mike Rispoli:

Why do we have to accept so many different standards of beauty for women when for men it's always like the same standard? And I understand that now women are like oh, the dad, bod or whatever. But in general it's all standard preference to what everybody likes. I don't know why we have to force a preference onto people Like the male physique. Even going back to the days of Greece and Rome, all those statues, they weren't Like the statue of David, like he's a literally chiseled man, he's not fat and, from what I also know, they also made their dicks really small because that was a sign of intelligence. So yay me. Or like, when you're seeing like men's fitness magazine or whatever, or gq, you're always seeing like the same type of guy. You're not seeing some fat dude on the cover. So why is it that? I don't know. I'm just curious as to why we have to accept like a different standard of beauty to adhere to what other women's body types are, but meanwhile men also have different body types and body styles and nobody wants to adhere to that like. Did you guys actually see?

Mike Rispoli:

The newsweek published an article, and I am not joking about this. The article is titled how hot girls became the rights new obsession. Okay, first of all, you don't need experts to tell us why men find hot women attractive. But the most hilarious part of the article to me is the fact that they only interviewed women in it. And you want to know why? Because any straight dude would just say because she's hot.

Mike Rispoli:

And the person that the article is highlighting is Sydney Sweeney, and they argue because of her body type, because she's got big boobs and a nice butt, that it's reinforcing gender stereotypes and I think the underlying message is this idea of what it is for standard female beauty, because nowadays it could be anything, and I really don't want to sound political, but why is this a political issue? Why is liking hot women a conservative thing and not a liberal thing? Is it because people who identify as liberal can't even define what an actual woman is anymore? It's like that line in Ted 2 where it's like chicks with dicks. Johnny, there's no such thing as chicks with dicks, it's just guys with tits. This is low-key the dumbest article I've ever read.

Mike Rispoli:

According to the article and this is a quote from a woman named Amy Tatum of Bournemouth University told Newsweek that this focus on hot girls as a way for the right in the US to fight back against perceptions of wokeness, holding up women in a sexualized fashion, could be a tactic to reinforce gender stereotype around women's appearances. Because, honestly, you know what it's honestly giving. It's saying that these women are jealous, that Sidney Sweeney is way more attractive than they are and men aren't looking at them in the same way they're looking at Sidney Sweeney. That's how it reads to me. I could be totally wrong on this issue, but besides her boobs and her butt, I'll honestly say that Sidney Sweeney has a lot more features that are generally attractive and let's be honest here she's shaved in all the right areas, she doesn't have a dick, she's got a nice smile and she's got big, bright blue eyes. I think it's safe to say that I speak on behalf of all straight men. Those are general features that we would all find attractive in a woman.

Mike Rispoli:

This whole thing as to why men find quote unquote hot women attractive is so stupid. Plus, I also think that depends on what your definition of hot is. I also just don't understand why this is such a big deal, because even if we look at back in the day, if we look at somebody like Marilyn Monroe, right, who is considered a feminist icon and she was the epitome of the male gaze. So if we're taking Marilyn Monroe and comparing her to Sidney Sweeney, why are we not putting them on the same pedestal? And why is Sidney Sweeney getting criticized for her looks? What? Because men find her attractive. No offense, but like, have you seen what some of these women on TikTok look like, with the crazy hair, the weird piercings and whatever else you've done to modify your body to make yourself stand out from the rest? I don't care what era we're in, that will always take a very specific person to find attractive. But maybe that's me, maybe I'm just a little bit more old-fashioned that way. That will always take a very specific person to find attractive. But maybe that's me, maybe I'm just a little bit more old-fashioned that way.

Mike Rispoli:

But if we go back to the Lizzo example, it's really not a good idea to promote fatness as a beauty standard, because you're also promoting unhealthy lifestyles. I'm so sick of this. I can understand if somebody has a medical condition, but a lot of this just comes from being lazy. If somebody does have a medical condition, I can understand that it's a little harder for them to lose weight, but it still doesn't mean that you can't. You may just need to put in double the amount of time, but people get put on ozempic and shit because they finally found this magic pill. And even that's not healthy, like, just get on a freaking treadmill, it's not that hard. Replace the Oreos with an orange, you'll be fine. You would be amazed what a little exercise can do for you, and the more fit you are then, the more likely you'll also start to feel better about yourself and stop comparing yourself to the Sidney Sweeneys of the world.

Mike Rispoli:

Honestly, women truly just baffle me in way more ways than one. You're all about girl power and girl boss I don't need no man and you're all trying to be pro-women, pro-feminist, but then at the same point, you guys hate on other women because they're way more attractive than you. So for every step one person takes, there's a hairy-legged step that'll knock you down Like. One main reason why I lost weight was because, besides hating myself with every inch that my waist grew, I also wanted to attract the women that I was attracted to. But then, at the same point, I also realized it was actually a matter of self-confidence, and the more fit and stronger I looked then, the more self-confident I became in myself. But I'm not out here comparing myself to Zac Efron and being like oh he sucks because he's what women find attractive and I'm never going to get the women that he gets Like.

Mike Rispoli:

If women are mad at Sidney Sweeney for being the standard of female beauty, then they're all just jealous of her. That's really it, and it's all just because everybody and this is Hollywood, this is general public, people everybody just wants to feel included and being all part of the same group. Everybody all just wants to be the same Like. Did you see this thing? I don't know if this is accurate or not.

Mike Rispoli:

I saw an article on some social media channel, but Sam came out saying that apparently being non-binary doesn't describe them or him or whatever, enough Because they can identify. However, I'm so sick and tired of this. Honestly, sam Smith, just go and identify as a little bitch and be done with it, because that's exactly what you are, like all the people who want to identify to this extreme. Why do you need to prove to everybody that you're so different, especially when you're famous and you're already in a separate category, like you already stand out regardless and you know? What's so crazy is like I was actually talking to somebody about this, and the reason why apparently everybody puts their pronouns in their bios and stuff on linkedin or their instagrams or whatever is to make the sam smiths of the world feel a little bit more included and to fight against the hate that they receive, which I honestly I can appreciate. That because there's power in numbers. So the more who back those types of people by sharing their pronouns, it also helps those people feel like hey, like I have a sense of community here, but it's like, dude, no matter what you do, you're gonna have haters. I've got almost 40 episodes of this podcast out. You don't think I have haters, like I know you guys wouldn't know because no one comments or writes in. But seriously, like, you're always gonna have hate. Like every sort of different thing that somebody does is always gonna have some sort of backlash. The Beatles had haters, elvis had haters. Nwa had massive haters.

Mike Rispoli:

Nwa was the first group to have a parental advisory sticker on their album, which is crazy, because Guns N' Roses put out Appetite for Destruction in 87 and Straight Outta Compton came out in 88, and if you aren't true GNR fans, you haven't really listened to the album. The only songs that you probably know on the album are the hits Sweet Child of Mine, paradise City and Welcome to the Jungle right. But there's a song on that album called it's so Easy. It has probably some of the dirtiest lyrics I've ever heard in a rock song. And then Rocket Queen, the last song on the album. There's a guitar interlude section where Axl Rose literally recorded himself having sex with Steven Adler's girlfriend and they put it in the song and the moans are audible. You can hear it. Meanwhile that album does not get a parental advisory sticker, but NWA does. Because they talk about police brutality, give me a break.

Mike Rispoli:

But when it comes to the beauty standards of men and women, just let people like what they like. Like I could be totally attracted to somebody who my friend might think is totally ugly. Like the art wants what it wants. But okay, I said I would wrap it up by ending things for you guys. So what are some things that you think that I should be doing while I'm unemployed here until I find a new job? Any suggestions as to how I can kind of spend my free time?

Mike Rispoli:

Because, other than working out, applying for jobs, doing this podcast, trying to come out with more content, watching Netflix, maybe I'll dust off my expensive antique dust collector what I call a guitar. I really got nothing. So anybody who has any other ideas for me, please feel free to write in. Again, my email is lnbemedia at gmailcom. Also, guys, please make sure that you check me out on my Instagram and TikTok at the LNBEPod, and if you like this episode, please feel free to share it with a friend. Please continue to like, rate, subscribe, comment, follow, doing whatever it is that you guys are doing to help boost this. I really do truly appreciate all of the support that you guys are giving me. I really do. It does not go unnoticed. I cannot say this enough, but all right, thank you so much for listening. I hope you all have a fantastic week and I'll catch up with you on Friday.

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