The LNBE Podcast

Episode 38 - Nothing but Layoffs, Age Gap Dynamics, And Sports Sadness

Mike Rispoli Episode 38

Ever felt like "Happy Monday" emails are more of a weekend funeral procession? Join me as I share the rollercoaster ride of corporate life, beginning with a personal setback—getting laid off once again. With a dose of humor and resilience, I speculate on the possible role of corporate greed in the decision and gear up for a fresh job hunt. Meanwhile, the conversation takes a serious turn as I address some alarming allegations against Diddy, shedding light on troubling claims of abuse and sex trafficking, as well as the controversial age gap in his past relationship with Cassie Ventura. It's a mix of personal trials, celebrity gossip, and an exploration of the power dynamics in age-gap relationships that keeps the discussion lively and thought-provoking.

We then shift gears by adding a lighter note, I share my thoughts on a recent political debate that surprised many with its civility. Despite candidates dodging tough questions, JD managed to shine, making this a rare instance of orderly political discourse. Wrapping up, we look at some write-ins from the audience, leaving you with plenty to chew on until next time.

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Mike Rispoli:

all right, happy friday everybody. You made it to the end of the week. Welcome back to the lmb podcast, where lmbe stands for literally nothing but everything. I'm mike rispoli and let's get into this bitch. And what the hell are we going to talk about today? Well, you know, I got some news that I could share about this week, so we'll get into that we'll talk about today. Well, you know, I got some news that I could share about this week, so we'll get into that. We'll talk about some new stuff and then we'll discuss some of the write-ins that you gave me this week. And if you do want to write in, feel free to do so. You can email me at lnbemedia, at gmailcom, or you can find me on Instagram and TikTok at the LNBEPod. But, guys, seriously, thank you so much for writing in, subscribing, commenting, liking, doing whatever you guys got to do to help me boost this. If you guys can please continue to rate it, that would be so helpful. I really do appreciate it. I really do. But you know, what I really don't appreciate and I'm sure you guys feel this way too Is that one of the worst parts about Mondays, besides it being the death of a weekend, is when you get an email first thing in the morning and the greeting starts off with happy monday.

Mike Rispoli:

What the hell is so great about a monday? I'm out here celebrating my weekend's funeral. There is nothing happy about me right now and the last thing I wanted in general was this email. Like that's like honestly going to a family member's wake and being like happy funeral, happy monday, happy, go fuck yourself. That's what I say. But you know what? I actually will not be receiving a happy monday email in the forthcoming weeks because I actually just got laid off, and I know what you guys are thinking.

Mike Rispoli:

Didn't this podcast start off with you getting laid off? Yeah, it actually kind of did. So. Maybe this is just something that I'm going to like run into consistently is the fact that every seven months, I'm just going to get laid off now. So that's fun to like think about.

Mike Rispoli:

I don't know it actually. Um, it was really bizarre because I knew something was up when HR scheduled the meeting on behalf of my CEO. Like that was when I knew I was like all right, something's going on here and the worst part about it is, ultimately and I'm just speaking on behalf of myself, this is all opinion. I'm not trying to get the company in trouble. This is all speculation. I do not know if this is the actual answer, but I think what ended up happening was I just became a victim to corporate greed at the end of the day, because it wasn't just me that got laid off, it was actually the whole marketing department, which I was a part of, and it ended up being that they just wanted to dwindle it down to a few more members because they're paying us x amount of people, or x amount of dollars, rather. So now they're like okay, well, if we're paying you guys this amount, maybe we can dwindle it down to like half of you, and well, they'll take on more of your responsibilities, but we'll just pay them the same amount. So I feel like they thought that that was going to cover their costs.

Mike Rispoli:

I don't know. I don't know. Corporate America is stupid. That's all I got to say. Now I don't know about you guys. Maybe it's just that I've had really bad luck. I've really never had a great experience in corporate america. To be completely honest, I've gotten laid off twice. Now. I remember my first job. Uh, right out of college, I was actually offered a raise and then six months later it was denied because quote we can't afford it. So I don't know, man, it's all just greed at the end of the day. But I'm going to be looking for a new job, so that's always fun and hopefully I can find something.

Mike Rispoli:

But speaking of somebody who's not getting off in any capacity, diddy, you know I've talked about Diddy now for the past what two, three weeks? And I just keep finding out more and more shit about this guy and it just gets creepier and creepier the more that I look into it. And I mean this is even besides the fact of him doing all the sex trafficking. I mean him beating the shit out of that woman that got caught on tape is just absolutely disgusting. I didn't even mention that in the previous episodes. I mean, hell, the amount of shit that I talk about. Deshaun Watson you guys knew that this was coming. I cannot get over this. And the more that I look into it, the more I'm just like this dude is just an absolute creep, despite all of it. I mean he dated this woman, cassie Ventura, or whoever. I didn't even know who she was until this whole thing came out, but from what I know, I think he was like 30 or something or 39, whatever the fuck and she was 19.

Mike Rispoli:

And last week I mentioned Jay-Z for a second and I mentioned Beyonce and, like I mentioned, ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were maybe like a grooming type thing. I don't necessarily know that because looking at their ages, they're only like five or six years apart, so I think I was completely wrong on that. I don't think Ashton groomed her, I think it was just like a bizarre situation. I think because of Ashton's involvement with Diddy and how close they were, I think Mila just ultimately got disgusted and she's like I want out of this, like I can't be with somebody who acts like you or does things like you. I don't know what Ashton did, but obviously it was bad enough for Mila to file for some sort of a separation From what I know. But going back to Jay-Z and Beyonce, since I mentioned it, I think I mentioned it on Tuesday Jay-Z was 30 when he started dating Beyonce and Beyonce was only 18. And the only thing I want to say about this and this includes Diddy as well with the 19 year old, it's disgusting. And you could say oh well, you know what. They're both legal adults, they both know. No, you're telling me that you're looking at that age gap and being like that's not a little weird.

Mike Rispoli:

But my biggest question, honestly, is how the hell do you date somebody with that kind of an age gap? I mean, I've talked to some of these 20-something year olds at the bar. I mean, if you guys tried to talk to somebody in their early 20s, it's hard. Like some of these people blame it on COVID, blame it on technology, blame it on the fact that they're just always on their phones and they don't know how to have a human, face-to-face interaction. But these people are just socially challenged. I mean, it's kind of like podcasting, where I'm just talking to an empty audience but the problem is the members are right in front of me and even then I feel like I'm just talking to a wall. But my biggest question is how do you talk to somebody with that sort of an age gap when you're 30 versus 18?

Mike Rispoli:

Now, maybe it's a little bit different in the music industry or the entertainment industry industry, but for me personally I think I've talked about this in an earlier episode is the fact that I just cannot bring myself to try and go out with somebody with such an age gap. I'm 28. There's no way I could even attempt to go out with even somebody who's like a 22-year-old, despite an 18-year-old. Why the fuck somebody would want to, who's over 21, would want to date an 18-year-old, is beyond, is beyond me. It's not you're hindering so much of what you can do. It's not like you can go out to bars. It's not like you can bring her to the club, like the hell. You, what do you do? You just sit at home and you Netflix and chill. What is the whole point?

Mike Rispoli:

But for me I'm looking at somebody who's maybe at least in the same stage of life as me, because if you're in the age range of 18 to 22, you're either still in college or you're just coming out of college and your phase of life is just totally different from what I'm looking for. Like when you're in your mid to late 20s you're kind of more involved in your career, you're a little bit more settled, you kind of have a plan on where you're going to be going in life and what you're trying to do. But I mean I'm low-key, kind of out of the party phase. I mean I don't even drink anymore.

Mike Rispoli:

I mentioned before I smoked weed, but like I can't even really do that anymore because it's just, oh my god, it just makes me so lazy now. I used to be able to like get up and do whatever I wanted, but now I'm just like if I smoke a joint I'm out for the night like I ain't doing shit anymore. Plus, I just gotta say some of the shit that you guys smoke. It is so strong I don't know how the hell you handle that now that weed's legal. You just see it all over the street. You go up to somebody you say and they just kind of look at you like dazed. Honestly, we're living in a zombie movie right now with some of the shit people smoke.

Mike Rispoli:

But the main problem for me is when I smoke I get hard munchies and I just become a gluttonous asshole. Oh man, it just makes me so miserable. Because then I'm just like, oh my God, I look at myself. I'm just like you, fat fuck, what are you doing here? Like those pounds become so much harder to shed once you reach like a certain age, and I'm pushing 30 and I'm already starting to see how hard it is to kind of like maintain. So I actually find way more enjoyment in living a more healthier lifestyle and working out and finding stimulation in that aspect. And then it just becomes this thing of like hey, what the hell are we doing here? Like we work so hard to attain the body that we have and we're just going to ruin it all in one night Plus. I don't know if you guys are like this maybe you aren't but anybody who's gone through a fitness journey because I went through a fitness journey back when I was like 18, I used to be like 245 pounds. Now I'm a solid like anywhere from 185 to 190.

Mike Rispoli:

And for me, once I get to a certain point if you guys are like this, you might understand, but when I get to a certain point, I am just like all right time to cut back time to like point, I am just like all right time to cut back time to like get back in shape. We got to do this because I just don't want to get back to where I was and I'm also so vain of a person I mean I'm not even going to date somebody if I don't find them attractive. So I'm like, if I don't find myself attractive, what the hell makes me think that somebody else is going to find me attractive? But even with that, somebody who's a 20 year old might not have the same philosophy as me, who's a little bit older and kind of cares a little bit more, and by drinking so much and all that stuff, like I don't know, I feel like you guys got to be on the same wavelength. When you're dating somebody, you can't. It's okay to be opposite, opposite to track, but you can't be polar opposites. And I feel like a 30 year old and an 18 year old. Yeah, you might have some common interest when it comes to tv movies, whatever it is, but the facts of life of what you guys are looking for are vastly different and I think that's one of the main issues. And I also think maybe that's why these guys who are so old go after these young women, because they're trying to get them to be who they want them to be and they're not allowing these women to be who they are for themselves. So I don't know, call it grooming, call it whatever. I call it disgusting.

Mike Rispoli:

But on that note, speaking of something that I thought was going to be disgusting but ended up being actually a refreshing drink of water, was the debates on Tuesday. Did anybody catch that? I mean, I was going into this thinking it was just going to be an insult contest, but it was the most civilized debate that I had seen in my adult life. I mean, it has been years since I think any of us have seen politicians that were that polite to one another literally the definition of agree to disagree. Maybe it proves that we only have midwesterners be our politicians, or maybe it also means that these two should have just been the people that we were picking from from the start.

Mike Rispoli:

It was honestly really bad tv, if I'm going to be completely honest, because it was so cordial, like to go from a trump debate. That literally is just bad reality tv. I mean, anything on bravo is what trump brings to the table that theresa judice will just end up flipping over what you're telling me that you never had a sick day from school and you didn't sit there and watch bravo television with your mom. Oh, maybe this is why one of my old managers thought I was gay. But all right anyways to see an old fashioned, no holds barred, just true style debate on the issues. It wasn't the debate that America wanted, but it was the debate that America truly needed to see that not all of our politicians are absolute nutbags. But I will say, and I'm going to try and make this as unbiased as I can, but if you guys have listened to previous episodes I think you all know where I stand. But I think that JD ended up having a better performance Because Tim performed a waltz and just danced around a bunch of questions.

Mike Rispoli:

And I'm not saying JD didn't avoid some questions, he 100% avoided the whole election denial thing and it wasn't like that many, but there was a couple that I do remember when it comes to Waltz. One was the whole him being there during the Tenement Square riots or whatever, and he was like oh yeah, I did school trips and I think Trump would actually benefit from being on one of those trips and seeing what China was like or whatever. And even the moderators were like Tim, tim, that wasn't really the question. And then, freaking, jd does one of those jim halpert looks into the cameras from the office. It was actually kind of classic. And then another one of the flubs that I think tim had, because I I really don't remember many of the ones that jd had.

Mike Rispoli:

JD is just so articulate, like I wish I could do a podcast as calm, cool and collected as that guy can do a debate. That dude just knows how to publicly speak. It is unreal. And it's also unreal how authentic he comes across Like that dude just truly knows his shit. You might not agree with what he had to say, but you can't tell me that you didn't come away from that debate being like holy crap, that dude is smart.

Mike Rispoli:

Meanwhile you got tim waltz being like I'm friends with school shooters and I know he misspoke, but I'm just like, oh, really tim, like oh, besides deer, what the hell else you're shooting? And then tim also was just like yeah, you know what? I talk a lot and I'm a knucklehead, but you know what? I am not in politics. I never have any plans or aspirations to even run for office. But you know what I don't want Is a dude who's a self-proclaimed knucklehead advising the president on important matters and I just got to say this advising the president on important matters. And I just gotta say this the look that he gave to some of the questions was probably the same look that deer he apparently hunts gave him after he got his shot off. But too bad, he actually wasn't going up against the deer. Oh my god, those freaking stupid ass animals. I'm sure I've said this story before, but I got hit by a deer once, and deers are the only animal that will see a large moving object and run towards it. Freaking kamikaze pilots of the animal world.

Mike Rispoli:

Oh, speaking of death, did you guys see some sports news that I saw? Um, apparently, pete Rose passed away. Now he was 83, so we lived a very long life, so it's not surprising. I mean, at that age it's no longer sad, it's only sad, I would say. If you're anywhere from the ages of 50 to 70, then it's kind of like oh my gosh, they were so young. Their backs and their knees might say otherwise, but they were young. But I mean, the one thing that I'm actually really upset about is I would say, give it two or three years, maybe even sooner. But my over under is two to three years, maybe even sooner, but my over-under is two to three years. I think that's when Pete Rose finally gets into the Hall of Fame.

Mike Rispoli:

I don't understand why he was never even in the Hall of Fame. He never bet on baseball games. He bet on what? College football, basketball games? I don't think he ever bet on baseball games. But what I think I can say for certain is I definitely don't think he bet on his team. It's not like it was like the 1919 Black Sox scandal.

Mike Rispoli:

Speaking of guys who should be in the Hall of Fame Shoeless Joe, look at his stats during that World Series. You're going to tell me that he blew that game Absolutely not. I think he batted like over 250 and he had two home runs in that series. You're telling me that, based on that alone, he alone was a sole member of somebody who's cheating? Absolutely not. You don't unintentionally hit two home runs. That's not a thing. Oh, I fucking mishit it. That's not. No, nobody mishits, actually, that's not true. I think Mark Teixeira, back in the day, actually hit a home run off of a broken bat, but that just tells you the guy's power. But yeah, maybe if pete rose had a translator, then maybe he would have gotten away with the betting, because isn't that what shohei otani got away with? Oh, it wasn't me, I just got confused because my translator was telling me bullshit and also the fact that sports betting is now legal. I really hope to god that the reason why they're they didn't let him in the Hall of Fame was because he was still alive and that was his punishment. But I guarantee it now, I said it Two to three years. I guarantee he'll probably make it into the Hall of Fame, because that's just how it's going to work, because they wanted to set the precedent and he ended up being it.

Mike Rispoli:

But also, speaking of guys 50 to 70, who's young and passing away, dikembe Mutombo, now, I was never a big NBA fan, but I saw that he passed away too. I think he was only 58. And that's what's really sad is the fact that he was super young, but I never really watched him play. I've never watched NBA ball. I just cannot get into it. The whole super teams thing. It just drives me crazy. I've got a whole episode on it when I did my march madness thing. But, um, what I do know is the guy was a fantastic defender and actually that's how I remember him when he did that geico commercial back in like the early 2010s. How happy your customers saving money with geico, as happy as dikembe matombo blocking shots. So rest in peace to both of those guys. Honestly, both of them fantastic. Pete Rose, all-time MLB hits leader. I don't think anybody's going to be breaking that record. And Dikembe Mutombo I know he's regarded as one of the greatest defensive players of all time. I know he's in the Hall of Fame. So both guys really prominent at their sport, really great at their craft. The sports world lost two incredible legends this week.

Mike Rispoli:

All right, let's kind of get into some of your write-ins here. So on Tuesday I asked what some of your favorite fall activities were, and the overwhelming majority was apple picking and decorating pumpkins. And it just kind of makes me think are there any other foods that we knowingly just waste just to pass by the time? Oh, you know, I actually got one. We all waste water, and I'm not talking about showering or washing your car. I'm actually talking about the fact that we make ice sculptures to be decor at a buffet, which a buffet alone is just waste city, considering how a lot of people's eyes are bigger than their stomachs. Hashtag first world problems. But then I also asked what your top fall slash halloween movie was, and the overwhelming majority was hocus pocus absolutely stellar movie, no complaints there.

Mike Rispoli:

But some of the write-ins that I got for the halloween movies. One of them was the conjuring and I actually had seen this movie. I was dating this chick at the time and we were holding hands during it and I swear to god I was squeezing her hand harder than she was mine. I do not do exorcism movies, I just cannot do them. Say it's because I'm catholic, but the fact that something evil can just completely overtake you, oh, I just do not like it. Pineapples and then another one I got was the grudge, which I've never seen. So I think it's about time, because I think that one actually is a classic and then the devil's rejects and I feel like that's just something that I could fall under, because I suck at everything so bad that even the devil doesn't want my soul. And then I also got hellraiser, which I had never seen.

Mike Rispoli:

But the immediate question that I thought of when it came to that suggestion was did Ozzy write his song Hellraiser for that movie? And that's honestly the only reason why I'm even curious to watch it, cuz now I gotta know. But I'll let you know how many I can get through and I'll give you my critiques on all of them, because I got nothing but time now except for looking for jobs. So I'll let you guys know. And with that I think that does it for me. And if you guys like this episode, please continue to share, rate, subscribe, comment, do whatever you got to do to help me out. I really do appreciate it. Make sure you check me out on my socials, at the LNBEPod, on TikTok and Instagram, and if you guys want to write in, please feel free to do so. You can email me at lnbemedia at gmailcom. All right guys. Thank you so much for listening and I'll catch up with you on Tuesday. Have a great weekend, thank you.

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