The LNBE Podcast

Episode 28 - Nothing but Concerts and Controversies

Mike Rispoli Episode 28

Mike runs his mouth on his convo with Ethan from last week, a concert he went to, the Olympics, and a quick story from the bar.

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Speaker 1:

what's going on everybody. Welcome back to The LNBE Podcast, where LNBE stands for literally nothing but everything. I'm Mike Rispoli and if you want to follow me on my socials, feel free to do so. You can find me on tiktok and instagram @the lnbe pod. You can also find me on youtube. If you just type in The LNBE Podcast, you'll get all the audio versions of this. Also, it would do me a huge help if you could please like, share and subscribe on whatever podcast platform you're listening to this on. And don't forget, you guys can also reach out to me if you want to write in at lnbemedia@ gmail. com, and with that, let's get into this bitch. Unfortunately, you're only stuck with my bitch ass today because I do not have a guest Back to normal, but if you didn't check that episode out, feel free to do so.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I thought it was great Ethan. I've known that guy for years now. He's a great dude. Yeah, I mean just shooting the shit with my buddy. That's what I should have probably named the episode, and the only thing I think I'm going to get backlash for is the fact that he said Lee Harvey Oswald moved to Russia, where the women are ugly, and I'm just like. The one thing I wish I had said listening back to that conversation was I could have pointed out Mila Kunis. I'm just like, oh how did I not think of that on the spot? But it's kind of like one of those situations where you're in an argument but you can't think of what to say, but then, once the argument ends and you're cooled off a little bit, you're like fuck should have said that. But I mean I got to be honest. Besides Mila Kunis, who else is there? I mean, am I the only one drawing a blank? I mean he made a good point, so I got to defend him on that one. I can't really think of too many hot women that come from Russia. I mean there's got to be some hot people in Russia, right? Unless it's just because there are cold people. I don't know. Get it? Because they're so far north. That joke has everything to do about location and nothing to do with personality, unlike all you cold bitches who are probably going to come after me now. Oh my goodness, is this the week where I finally get canceled?

Speaker 1:

But then there were some other things that I was listening back to from that episode and we were talking about the 09 Yankees team. And how could I forget to mention Hideki Matsui? I mean, talk about a guy who just put the team on his back during that series. I think he went over 600 for his batting average in that series and, if memory serves me right now, keep in mind this was fucking since 09. I haven't thought about this since, really since then. But I also think he hit three home runs in that series, which is kind of nuts considering he only played three actual games, because it was split between the NL and the AL and Hideki was the DH for the Yankees at the time, so he only played. It was only a six game series. He only played in half the games and he still won the MVP of that world series, which should kind of tell you how important he was to the Yankees when it came to winning that ring. But yeah, go check that episode out.

Speaker 1:

And before I get myself actually canceled, how was your week? What'd you guys do? I actually had a pretty fucking good week. I mean, you saw that Ethan was on the podcast so I got to hang out with him, which was great because I hadn't seen him in a year.

Speaker 1:

But then on the 23rd I went to a concert. Oh, who did you see? Well, thank you for asking. I saw. Apparently it was three bands. My buddy said it was four bands. I don't remember hearing the fourth band, but they must have gone like. They must have gone on like right.

Speaker 1:

When we got there he said that he heard stuff. I thought it was just a loudspeaker going, but, um, we got there and hollywood undead was playing. Now, I really don't know much of hollywood undead. I keep getting them confused with hollywood vampires, which is the band with johnny depp. I have no idea who, um, hollywood undead is. I think I've only heard one of their songs, so I didn't know anything that was playing from them. But they sounded good. I just think the pa system needed a little fixing.

Speaker 1:

And then up next was I prevail. They sounded great, but the only problem was I don't know any of the members of that band. I love the band, I just don't know any of the names of the members. Um, the problem was one of the lead singers, I guess, had um neck surgery or something, so I wonder if he was trying to take it easy. So they kind of put most of the singing on the other guy and I gotta say I wasn't the biggest fan of their last album and they played a lot of new stuff, which makes sense.

Speaker 1:

They're on tour, probably touring the new album, but the new album came out two years ago, so at this point it's also like, guys, we understand you want to try and promote this album that's now two years old, but kind of play some more of the hits, like can we play for one more time? Like can you play stuck in my head or stuck in your head, can you play like other songs on your first two albums besides blank space? So then it wrapped up with the headliner, which was hailstorm, and hailstorm was great. Um, I wasn't too happy with the set list, but otherwise I thought it was a great show. I mean, lizzie hale just knows how to put on a performance. The venue is also small. It's around like 5 000 people at the place that I saw them, so I don't know.

Speaker 1:

She put on a pretty good show for, like what she was allowed to do, um, she's got a crazy voice, man. I mean, honestly, the only way I could think about it is if, like, maybe ann milson and dio's voice had a baby and they put it out in her like my god, she's got a crazy scream. She's also got an amazing non-distorted vocal, but on top of it, I mean she's got this like high falsetto on top, like she's just such a range of a singer, she's so good despite the fact that she's also an absolute fox. I mean she's just so hot, dude. There are so many hot women in metal it's not even funny. People don't even think about it. People think, oh, like country music, that's probably where you want to be, or pop music, that's where you want to be, not, dude, like there are some chicks who fucking rock and they are stone cold foxes.

Speaker 1:

Fucking sophie lloyd. I'm not sure if she still does it, but I do know that she was like uh, mgk's guitarist for a very long time. I mean, okay, let's be real, besides her looks, I gotta say she's absolutely an incredible guitarist and I think she dropped an album, I want to say, last year. She mainly used to do just like composition stuff, kind of like steve vi, pre and post david lee roth. Um, now she's actually dropped an album. I think lizzie hale is actually featured on one of the songs, but the album is fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Another fucking hottie in metal fucking nita strass. She's the guitarist for alice cooper. She just recently dropped a couple albums she used to do just like instrumental stuff. But from what I initially like remember seeing her in was a group called the Iron Maidens, which was just a female-led Iron Maiden cover band and she was fucking killer in it. But yeah, dude, I mean I think I have a type. Look up all three of those chicks, tell me what you find in common. Oh, but you know what, since we're speaking of hot blondes, you know what's crazy is, ever since I mentioned the fact on this pod that I've seen Carrie Underwood do a lot of covers, it's been coming up in my Instagram and my TikTok feed like crazy seeing her do all these like Guns N' Roses covers.

Speaker 1:

I'm like bro, I think I got to start a fucking petition here because she sounds so much better than Axl that Mickey Mouse fuck. I have no idea what he tries to do. It's amazing Because Brian Johnson losing his hearing his version of singing is probably so much harder to handle. Honest to God, that dude has been able to carry his voice for the better part of four decades, I think, maybe running on five. I don't know when he actually got his start. I know before acdc. He was in a band called gordy, but axl can't fucking like maintain his voice at all. I mean it's wild. When axl screams he sounds okay, but when he tries to do a clean vocal he sounds like fucking hot garbage. I mean, would you guys sign that? Seriously? If you haven't done it, please go look it up. It's very entertaining Because you see Carrie Underwood, american Idol, country music star.

Speaker 1:

Now all of a sudden she's singing Dirty Guns N' Roses what the fuck. But she plays the part too. She does the snake dance, she gets the fucking jacket, she does the whole fucking nine yards. She is killer. I swear to God, if I actually started this petition, would anybody sign it? Would any of you put your names on it? Alright, alright, let me kind of defend why I think that this could even work out. Because, as good as Carrie Underwood is, I know for a fact that if there is anybody on this earth that could enhance talent, and only enhance talent, that musician is Slash. Because Slash makes fucking Fergie tolerable. And do you want to know how? I know? It's because Slash on his like self-titled debut album I don't know if it was a debut album. It can't be his debut album because he started Guns N', roses, all right, whatever. His self-titled album, just called Slash, it's got a bunch of fucking singers on it. I think each song has an individual featured singer, because he wasn't with Miles Kennedy and the Conspirators yet. But on that album is a song called Beautiful Dangerous, and if it wasn't for the fact that on the title of the song that it said her name is the feature, I never would have known that Fergie even sang on the song, because it doesn't even sound remotely like her.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I found out that fergie was on this song, I actually did a little digging and I'm gonna have to find where I read this. But I read something that fergie initially came up. She wanted to be a rock vocalist. Like that was what she wanted to be until she joined the black eyed peas. But I'm just like maybe it's a good thing you joined the black eyed peas, because I saw you as a rock vocalist twice, not in person but in video and one was in 2011 during that packers stealers super bowl, where slash just randomly popped up and she started butchering the fuck out of sweet child of mine and what nobody knows is right after sweet child of mine. They, they went into Beautiful, dangerous, but it was kind of worthless because everybody the focus was on just how bad Fergie was.

Speaker 1:

And then the other time that I saw Fergie try and cover like rock stuff I don't remember, when this was Either 09 or 2010, where there was a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concert and Fergie sang with the Stones and she took on the female vocal to give me shelter. Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concert and Fergie sang with the Stones and she took on the female vocal to give me shelter. And I'm just like, holy shit, ferg's, you're 0 for 3 at this point. Geez, almighty.

Speaker 1:

She might have also sang with U2 and I think at one point Bono might have even, just like that, given like a look like hey, who, why are you even up here? I mean, I could also be very wrong, considering the fact that the time I saw that was also the same time I saw the Yankees win a World Series, so, and I haven't seen either since. So I might be wrong about the Bono thing, but I do remember something happening like that where he just kind of gave like a look. I can't remember who it was at. Am I going to have to rewatch this concert video. Yes, you, yes, yes, I am. Oh, but you know what? Okay, so, speaking of like slash enhancing shit, did anybody listen to his album that he just dropped called, uh, orgy of the damned holy shit? I mean, it's just covers. I think it's only like 10 songs, but it's all covers.

Speaker 1:

This man, with the help of chris stapleton, made one of the best covers of a song I've ever heard and it's a Fleetwood Mac song. I always thought Fleetwood Mac would be impossible to cover. I mean, I've heard other musicians trying to cover Landslide and I'm just like it's not the same. I don't really know a lot of. I think I saw one cover of somebody trying to do the Chain. Again, just doesn't really work out, don't know. Slash just lowered the tempo and he just kind of gave it more of a bluesy sound and it works. It's so fucking. Give the album a listen to. The song was called oh well, that's the original fleetwood song. So if you haven't done it yet, I highly recommend giving that a listen.

Speaker 1:

Oh, but since we're on the topic of music, I should have mentioned this earlier. It just kind of slipped my mind, but last week ethan and I were on the topic of music. I should have mentioned this earlier. It just kind of slipped my mind, but last week Ethan and I were on the topic of Selena and how she ended up passing away, and I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong and Ethan was actually correct on this, where Ethan said that a fan is the one who actually ended up unaliving Selena for lack of a better politically correct term for the word murder which, honestly, guys, go get some baby weights for your sensitive asses, because unaliving is one of the dumbest fucking terms I could ever use for the words murder or kill. We've been using the words murder and kill for however the hell long. They're legitimate words that you use to describe an action and now, all of a sudden, because people don't like them, we can't use the words. It just doesn't make sense. I honestly never realized that the whole world is just filled with five-year-olds and we need to censor everything that we say nowadays. But yeah, after I dropped that pod, I had a friend reach out to me and say that I was wrong, that selena was actually murdered by yolanda, who was the president of her fan club, and she was also stealing money from the club then. Then, when Selena went to confront her about the missing money, yolanda shot her. So I was wrong. I thought that her godmother or aunt or somebody was the one who murdered her. But it actually was a fan. So Ethan was right.

Speaker 1:

But you know what it kinda goes to show why greed is a deadly sin, because when greed becomes a part of your life, there really is no telling what you would do for a taste of the good life. I mean, just ask any of our fucking politicians nowadays. But all right, enough with that. I've talked politics way too much on this pod, for more than I'm willing to admit. But you know what? It's a fucking crazy time right now. So I'm gonna talk about it. But let's talk about some current events. Anybody doing what I'm not doing and watching the olympics. But gotta say, from what I have watched, I think we can all say or maybe it's at least a little safe to assume the fact that Simone Biles has cemented the fact that she is, without a doubt, the greatest Olympic gymnast of all time. I mean, that chick is just a true competitor. The fact that she even had this little comeback from missing the Games in Tokyo and pretty much just picked up right where she left off. Come on, you have to admit it's pretty incredible what she's been able to achieve.

Speaker 1:

But I think some of the other big stuff that's come out is now a lot of what I've seen has just been what I've seen on Instagram through memes and, holy crap, you guys work fast when it comes to memes. But you know, what's really funny is, what I noticed about memes is it's not even people creating their own jokes. A lot of it is just like screenshots or a picture of something with captions underneath. So it's like these memers are just like using other people's jokes and posting it pretty much as their own. So I feel like it's kind of lazy, like like, come on, you can't come up with your own joke. But the biggest thing that I saw last week through all of the meme creations was that turkish shooter who just stepped up to the target like it was a fucking mob hit and he ended up winning silver dude went in no gear, just fucking raw dog did and started shooting. And you know I can make all the same jokes that everybody else has been making that. Oh, it's amazing that america didn't come in first and I actually saw one chick on tiktok go. Yeah, the reason why america didn't come in first is because the event wasn't held in a school. So I think all the jokes have already been made about that.

Speaker 1:

But I think some of the biggest news that came out is the whole female boxing thing, where I don't even know what country she's from. I think it's Iran, that Iranian boxer who just beat the shit out of the Italian boxer and everybody was claiming that the female boxer was trans, when that wasn't even the case. She has no history of ever being like thought of as a male or anything. She has all the female parts, like there's no question that she is a female. She just has a little bit more testosterone than the average female, so she's a little bit stronger. Like no offense to her, but it's kind of like the one time. Being a biological freak isn't considered an asset when it comes to sports. I mean, lebron James is kind of like an athletic freak and if he were to play 1v1 with anybody else and he won gold, would anybody be questioning his ability? No, no. But because she's a woman who's a little bit stronger than the average female, all of a sudden it becomes like this whole trans issue and she's not even fucking trans.

Speaker 1:

You guys are making a non-issue out of something, but then the real issue comes down to the fact that the Chinese swimmers were found with PEDs in their system, and they were also able to compete, and what is hilarious to me is that the way that they got out of it was they were just like oh you know, don't worry, it's just due to some traces found in food, and I'm just sitting here like the amount of hormones and gmos that are in the average american diet, and nothing gets traced back like nah, fam, I just don't buy it. None of them should have been able to compete. I mean that that's just me, though I feel like, if you're using HGH or PEDs or anabolic steroids or whatever it is that you're using, granted, I think all three of those things could be combined under one category. Sorry, my neighbor decided to bring out his leaf blower for God knows what reason, so bear with me here. You had to do this right when I was in the middle of doing a podcast you jackass, but anyways, not like. I went over to his house and told him hey, don't use your leaf blower because I need about like 30 minutes to fucking record. But anyways, what the hell was I talking about, oh yeah, peds and Olympics. I don't think anybody should be able to use any sort of like enhancer when it comes to the Olympics, because the Olympics is a true testament of human ability. So it's automatically creating an unlevel playing field.

Speaker 1:

And I think Michael Phelps even came out and he was just like look, I won 10 gold medals, not on anything, so it can be done. And he's absolutely right. He also came out and said that anybody who, like, has tested for HGH or PEDs or whatever the fuck, he thinks that they should be banned from life, from competing in the Olympics. And I gotta say I don't disagree with him. Only for the fact of what becomes the threshold, like what do you start allowing? What do you stop allowing? I mean the fact that these traces of PEDs were found in quote-unquote food. It doesn't make any sense to to me. So how is it that you're gonna allow that? But then the person who actually takes an anabolic steroid, those people get banned. So what's the threshold here?

Speaker 1:

I think there needs to be some accountability on this, especially considering the fact that China was able to take gold and swimming. And it's like did they win gold because they were just naturally gifted? Did they win gold? Because they were all filled up with steroids. It's just, I don't know, guys, I don't know something needs to give here. But that's just my opinion, having never played an organizer professional sport in my life. But I don't know. China, do better, oh.

Speaker 1:

But speaking of doing better, how could I go a pod without telling you a story about what happened over at the bar while I worked? So I'm working the door per usual on Friday, and this kid comes up and I'm like hey, where's your ID? And he's like I don't have my wallet. And I'm just like well, if that isn't the definition of a you problem, I don't know what is. And he goes no, you don don't understand.

Speaker 1:

My Gucci wallet got stolen and it was a thousand dollars. Oh, I think the guy actually stopped using his leaf blower. But he goes it was a thousand dollars. And I'm just like well, first of all, why did you have to mention that it was a thousand dollar? Gucci wallet hashtag welcome to Greenwich. And second of all, why are you even buying a wallet worth more than whatever you're going to be able to put inside of it? And the kid just looks at me dumbfounded and he's like you know, that is actually a really good question, and I'm also like, if anything is worth $1,000, why are you even putting it out of your sight? So it truly does go to show that just because you have money doesn't necessarily mean you have smarts.

Speaker 1:

But then I go inside, after I get that whole situation handled, and I see this group of four people playing drinking games and drinking out of Solo Cups and I'm just like, oh my God, where did you guys get those Solo Cups? Because there's actually a table that's attached to one of the walls that we can pull out to turn into beer pong. So I'm thinking that these people are drinking out of the beer pong cup and I'm like, oh my God, guys, we just got out of a pandemic. Are you really going to be the start of a new thing that comes up. And they're like no, we actually got the Solo Cups from over there, which is at a side table with some food on it. So I was like, all right, thank God, crisis averted. All right, guys, and with that, that wraps up this week.

Speaker 1:

So please, if you like this, please share it with a friend, give it a like and a follow. Following whatever podcast platform you're listening to this on Check out my socials at the LNBEPod, on TikTok and Instagram. You can also find these on YouTube, at the LNBEPodcast. You can just type that in on YouTube and if you want to write in, feel free to do so at lnbemedia at gmailcom. All right guys. No-transcript.

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